CHANGE team members Anita Thaler (IFZ, Austria) and Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins (RWTH, Germany) were invited to the annual symposium of gender equality officers at German universities (Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen), which took place for the 30th time from 12th to 14th of September 2018 in Landshut, Germany. Jennifer Dahmen-Adkins and Anita Thaler organised three workshops for 83 participants. Their topic was Changing universities sustainably: Learning from international experiences, and they presented an input about their former structural change project GenderTime and explained the key elements oft he current project CHANGE: co-production of knowledge, transfer agents, and implementing quick actions. To show what is meant with co-producing knowledge the workshop comprised several interactive elements, which aimed at sharing and integrating existing knowledge from all participants and creating new findings for the whole group. The German materials are openly accessible and can be downloaded here.